Outhouse Publications

Works at Outhouse PublicationsLives in Panama City / Düsseldorf / Eastcape BCS, MEXSingleSpeaks English, Spanish, German, AfricaansFrom Durban

Robin Williams tried to WARN us about Trump.

Do you know why you can’t see this video on Twitter? Because Elon Musk is deleting anything that opposes Trump.


In this post: Robin Williams  Outhouse  
AOC sets the record straight on who she’s blocking on Twitter - and why. Of the more than 5.3 million Twitter followers Ocasio-Cortez has to her account, only 20 users have been blocked for what the first-year representative calls “ongoing...

AOC sets the record straight on who she’s blocking on Twitter - and why. Of the more than 5.3 million Twitter followers Ocasio-Cortez has to her account, only 20 users have been blocked for what the first-year representative calls “ongoing harassment.” She also made it clear that none of the blocked users were her constituents, which addresses two of the main concerns lodged by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University on Thursday.

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In this post: AOC  Twitter  blocking  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez  

Decode Millennials

There is a post out on Facebook by The Wall Street Journal pointing to an report on how “millennial experts” aim to help companies stem turnover and ensure young employees’ happiness at work.. We do not want to engage much in that or voice our opinion…

However, very much worth to us to share is a comment by Chris Shaeffer. “As an employer I wish millenials would just do the following:

  • 1. Be where they are supposed to be when they are supposed to be there.
  • 2. Get off their cell phones and get some work done.
  • 3. Learn how to problem solve without having someone else hold their hand through the entire process.
  • 4. Write in complete sentences with punctuation.
  • 5. Lose the attitude.
  • 6. Understand that nobody cares about their feelings if they cannot get their job done.”

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In this post: Millennials  Experts  Attitude  Problem  


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Woodrow Wilson

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